Apr. 4, 2021 -- Jesus' Resurrection -- Luke 24

April 04, 2021 00:39:58
Apr. 4, 2021 -- Jesus' Resurrection -- Luke 24
Norris Ferry Sermons
Apr. 4, 2021 -- Jesus' Resurrection -- Luke 24

Apr 04 2021 | 00:39:58


Show Notes

We’ve been studying the book of Luke and last week we considered why Jesus was crucified.  Everyone involved in the crucifixion said with their own mouths that Jesus was an innocent man.  So, why did they crucify Him?  Luke made it clear he was crucified in fulfillment of the Scriptures.  

The Old Testament Scriptures prophesied many things about the Messiah - including specifically that the Messiah would be crucified and resurrected. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection fulfilled these Scriptures.  But why?  We saw why last week.  God punished the innocent Messiah so that the guilty - Barabbas could be set free!  That’s me!  That’s all of us who put our faith in Jesus Christ!

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